Jai Editor made with jai.
Smash - A debugger for Linux (and hopefully macOS), written from scratch in Jai by rluba.
Ctags - Jai module that generates a ctags file for your project as part of normal compilation. This allows many editors to access definitions (functions, variables, structs, …) for quick navigation or lookup.
jai-lsp - a language server for the jai language.
JaiTools for Sublime Text 3 - Syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and Goto Symbol/Anything/Definition for the Jai language in Sublime Text 3.
tree-sitter-jai - syntax highlighting for tree-sitter.
VS Code support:
- Mim Hufford’s VS Code support
- Iain King’s VS Code support
- BetterComments extension with Jai support