How Print Function Works

The print function is defined in modules/Basic, and is used to write strings directly to standard output or console.

Here is the function definition:

print :: (format_string: string, args: .. Any) -> bytes_printed: s64;

A % sign marks the place in which the variable will be printed out at. %1 prints out the first argument, %2 prints out the second argument, %3 prints out the third argument, and so on. %% will print out a single % sign.

// prints out "Hello, My name is John Newton"
print("Hello, My name is % %\n", "John", "Newton");   

// prints out "Hello, My name is Newton John"
print("Hello, My name is %2 %1\n", "John", "Newton"); 

// prints out "Congratulations! You scored 100% on the test!"
print("Congratulations! You scored 100%% on the test!\n"); 

The print function supports internationalization and localization.

print("你好!\n"); // prints hello in Chinese.

Formatting Variables

Just like C, Jai supports formatting variables with functions such as formatFloat, formatStruct, and formatInt. These are defined in modules/Basic/Print.jai.

v := Vector3.{1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
print("v = %\n", formatStruct(v, 

integer := 0xFF;
// prints out the number in hexadecimal
print("i = %\n", formatInt(integer, base=16));

number := 3.14157;
// prints out the float number
print("%\n", formatFloat(number, width=3, trailing_width=3, zero_removal=.NO));